Georgian (Georgia)English (United Kingdom)
Zakaria Maisuradze and Georgian Folk Art

Nana Kiknadze
Tbilisi State Academy of Arts

The paper presents one of the important issues in the work of a famous artist, ceramist and researcher-Zakaria Maisuradze. Namely, the impulse occurred as a result of the professional artist’s engagement in folk art and its transformation in his work.
The notion of folk art was accumulated wholly in the work of Z. Maisuradze. His interest in folk art is reveled in his earlier as well as later works. Small deer images executed with different technique and material, for instance. Small glazed group statues created on the motives from Georgian tales derive from the same origin. The relation to folk art took more complex forms in his well known series “Berikaoba”.
One of the distinguishing features of the work of the ceramist is the coexistence of innovation and viability of traditional art forms making it organically connected with century old culture.
The artist-ceramist, actually, created a model for new Georgian ceramics and forced the way of next generation. This is what makes the merit of Z. Maisuradze inestimable for contemporary professional Georgian ceramics.

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